

1999 — 2001  •  NIRVITARKA
The word Nirvitarka is borrowed from the Samadhi Pada 1.43, of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Abstractly translated it means: "When the memory or storehouse of modifications of mind is purified, then the mind becomes devoid of its own nature and only the object on which it is contemplating shines forth; this type of concentration is known as Nirvitarka." (1.43 Sutra)

This series weaves the simplicity of Nature into the complexities of the heart and mind in hope of a brief encounter with the Sublime. Raw materials including cement and hydro stone are used to sculpt individual sanctuaries that emulate water-washed stone facades. The rock-hared cement is hand polished and smoothed with pigment and encaustic. 

Intimate paintings and photographs depicting snippets of Nature are place within these sanctuaries. Objects such as bronze and silver spheres, cylinders, squares and triangles dangle from handmade chain to complement the philosophical storyline of each piece. The cross, plus other religious symbols are borrowed—not necessarily as an identity to the church, but as emotional emblems of martyrdom, reverence and love. —mo, 2001

NIRVITARKA • 1998 — 2001

Concrete with encaustic and fabricated objects